I am looking forward to presenting Social NOTworking to PIHRA Districts 19,12 & 1 in the next few weeks. In anticipation, here is my Sample Social Media Policy* and a link to a great article by CNN Money showing examples of Social Media abuse, entitled "6 All Time Favorite Social Media Screw Ups." If you plan on attending the meetings, you can anticipate learning the Proactive Lawsuit Prevention Strategies to implement to prevent "screw ups" from happening at your company? I'll give you a hint. "Choo Choo The Train Stops Here." See you soon.
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* The samples are not intended to be "ready for use" by readers. In addition, they are not to be construed as legal advice. Rather, these forms are intended as samples and should be adapted to your particular company's needs. Although this work is copyrighted, you may freely use the content in creating or changing your own forms. I strongly encourage you to consult with a labor/employment attorney or contact me prior to using these forms within your company to ensure compliance.