Jan. 24th Ontario, January 25th Universal City, January 27th Garden Grove
I am sincerely looking forward to another opportunity to present for the members of PIHRA. In anticipation of my program, Lawsuit Proof Investigations, and with gratitude for the members who attend and participate in this program, here are some Sample Forms* for investigators.
Sample Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
Sample Investigation Questions for the Accused
Sample Investigation Suspension With Pay for the Accused
Sample Investigation Conclusion and Recommendations
You may also purchase a complete SEXUAL HARASSMENT INVESTIGATOR's KIT with all the forms (CD included) and the power point show of LAWSUIT PROOF INVESTIGATIONS. If you would like to purchase this click this button:
Please also send me an email: jodypritikin@proactivelawsuitprevention.com so that I know you have purchased this item through paypal.
If you attended the program, please take a moment to let me know if you found it informative and if these Sample Forms are helpful to you.
All the best, Jody
* The samples are not intended to be "ready for use" by readers. In addition, they are not to be construed as legal advice. Rather, these forms are intended as samples and should be adapted to your particular company's needs. Although this work is copyrighted, you may freely use the content in creating or changing your own forms. I strongly encourage you to consult with a labor/employment attorney or contact me prior to using these forms within your company to ensure compliance.
Previous blogs on topic:
Lawsuit Proof Investigations
To Facebook or Not to Facebook? That is the Question for Investigators
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